Final Post, Final Thoughts

Filed under: by: Vince Romanin

Well it's all over, and you are all probably wondering, as am I, was it worth it? Did I get what I expected? What did I learn? So let's start with the first week here, when we were supposed to write down our three goals for the trip, that should be a good first indication. I wrote:

  1. Learn Spanish: Check. That goes without saying. I learned mucho Spanish, more than I could have learned in the states. I also learned I have a long way to go.
  2. Learn Engineering and renewable appropriate energy applications in the developing world: Check. I know all about off grid photovoltaic systems, how people pay for them, how/why they help, and about solar ovens, solar dryers, small businesses in the developing world, etc.
  3. Something about culture: Yes. I ate gallo pinto every day and I know several swear words and obscene hand gestures in Spanish. While living with a host family I learned what life is like for the average Jose, and I also learned to like rum. Most significantly, I learned how people live without running water, trash disposal, electricity, supermarkets, etc. And how renewable and appropriate technology can create better lifestyles and jobs in that sector using solar autoclaves, solar ovens, solar food dryers, etc.
That's a start but that can't be it... What else? Well if this trip leaves one lasting impression on me, it's the idea of a socially, culturally, and environmentally responsible business. Grupo Fenix, Suni Solar, Salud del Sol are all great examples. I met two different people from California who moved down here for just that reason, one working with solar energy and the other with eco-friendly real estate.  It adds a sense of enjoyment and passion to one's work. And yes, sometimes you make more money if you ignore those things. Yes we capitalists are raised from day one thinking money, money, money; the bottom line is what matters. But I think UD taught us better than that.  I quote Einstein, "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage — to move in the opposite direction."  Sometimes being socially and environmentally responsible means less profit, but not if you're good enough, not if you're bold enough. And I think we're good enough. So that's what I'll take from ETHOS, that's what I'll put in my pocket and save for later, that's what I think will stay with me when the memories fade.

I may decide to continue writing here, so feel free to check back, but I'm not sure how often and what I'll be writing about. I have lots more thoughts on ETHOS, but no time to write them now, maybe they will make it up here later.

Thanks for reading,

"A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions"
--  Oliver Wendell Holmes (and Brother Phil's email signature)